Commercial Renewable Energy Solutions - Biomass

Why Solar?

Rising Electricity Prices

With electricity prices rising by around 7% in 2010 and 10% to 15% in 2011/2012 in the UK everyone needs to review their utility costs and how it is being provided. Using renewable energy, like solar energy, not only reducess the impact of these price increases but also provides additional household income.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

In addition to using less energy from fossil fuels, schools can make a positive contribution to reduce carbon emissions in the UK public sector by £1 billion.

Currently schools represent approximately 15% of public sector greenhouse gas emissions and 2% of the UK total, with 5m tonnes of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere each year. Another 5m tonnes are attributed to the school run and the manufacture of school equipment and consumables.

What is the Feed-in Tariff scheme?

The scheme will require licensed electricity suppliers, (e.g. EDF), to pay a generation tariff to small-scale low-carbon generators e.g. houseowners, for electricity generated (whether or not such electricity is exported to the national grid) and an export tariff to them where such electricity is also exported to the national grid. This means that a household will benefit from free electricity during the day, receive 21p per unit generated and 3.2p per unit for exporting back to the Grid, assuming the solar PV system installed is under 4kWp.


  • Substantial and Sustainable Cost Savings on Electricity Bills
  • Maximum Feed-In Tariff Guaranteed, Index Linked and Tax Free
  • Reduce Carbon Footprint
  • Supplied and Installed by MCS accredited company

For more information please email: or call 0844 858 8084

Feed-in-Tariff Scheme
About us

Wireless Edge Energy is the energy division of the Wireless Edge group of companies, which include Communications, Software Development, Installation, Finance, Training and Distribution

Our customers include primary and secondary schools across the UK, large construction companies and nationwide retail stores


Contact us

Email: | Telephone: 0844 858 8084 | Website: | We Energy © 2002 - 2013.